尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!


近海支援船,也称为近海补给船,是专为在海洋上作业而设计的特种船舶,具有多种用途。 它们可以用作平台支撑、锚处理、施工、维护等。

Transport impact
Affected by COVID-19, most companies selling offshore support vessels have changed their working hours or services. As the epidemic worsens, North American cross-border logistics services and flights have been affected to a certain extent, so transportation has become a major issue. Therefore, in the short term, the offshore support vessels industry will be affected by COVID-19.

Labor impact
This epidemic will directly affect the manufacture of offshore support vessels, that is, a large number of workers cannot return to work on time, especially for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies, the situation is even worse. The leaders of offshore support vessels will inevitably pay more attention to smart manufacturing, less manpower and flexible production to deal with labor fluctuations.

Impacts from the long-term
The reduction in transactions caused by COVID-19 has also been extended to distribution and service channels. To mitigate these risks, offshore support vessels suppliers should work closely with major raw material suppliers and service providers to ensure high quality and consistency. In the long run, as offshore support vessels suppliers strengthen their supply chains, end-user needs will shift to high reliability, timeliness and convenient maintenance to reduce future risks in the construction and maintenance industry. Therefore, there are still many opportunities for offshore support vessels industry.

在全球范围来看,市场很大一部分收入来自欧洲(2021 年为 56.18%)。

DSME 是海上支持船市场的主要参与者之一,2022 年的市场份额为 5.81%。

DSME 建造特种船舶、修理船舶和建造工厂。 作为大型石油公司的承包商,DSME 建造各种船只、海上平台、钻井平台、浮式石油生产装置、潜艇和驱逐舰。 它专门从事液化天然气运输船和石油钻井平台。

Ulstein Group ASA
Ulstein Group ASA 建造船舶。 该公司生产近海支持、建造、补给和研究船。 Ulstein Group 是一家专注于各种海洋相关行业的公司集团,但主要以造船和船舶设计活动而闻名。

按类型划分,抛锚拖船/抛锚拖曳供应船 (AHT/AHTSS) 部分在 2021 年占据了最大的市场份额。

锚处理拖船/锚处理拖曳补给船 (AHT/AHTSS)
锚处理拖船/锚处理拖曳补给船 (AHT/AHTSS) 是一艘海军舰艇,其目的仅在于拖曳或拖曳石油钻井平台或船舶。 谈到石油钻井平台,这些拖船是最重要的必需品,因为没有它们的帮助,就不可能在所需的海域和海洋区域放置石油钻井平台。

平台供应船 (PSV)
平台供应船(PSV)是专门设计用于供应海上石油和天然气平台的船舶。 这些船的长度从 50 到 100 米(160 到 330 英尺)不等,可完成各种任务。

按应用划分,市场最大的细分市场是石油和天然气细分市场,2021 年的市场份额为 49.94%。




